Monday, November 26, 2007


My car was broken into last week (that is the reason I haven't blogged in a couple weeks) and they stole my backpack out of my car. Just my luck with only three weeks until graduation. My entire research project for my capstone was in there, and although I have my papers backed up in my PC, my research is gone!! I did get a lot of that back already by re-doing surveys & whatnot.
Sometimes life throws crap at you, but it only makes you a better problem solver and optimist.

out of town

I was out of town for a family function this weekend. It was so nice to see my cousins, but it's crazy to see them again all grown up. I don't come from a very close knit family so i don't get to see them often. I can't believe my little cousins are in college and getting ready to graduate next year! Just another thing to remind me of how old I am. It's also weird to meet their boyfriends/girlfriends and see them in that type of relationship. Some of my cousins I haven't seen in 10 years, so it is scary to see them wearing heels and driving nice cars* I love them all though & now that we're back in touch, I'm guessing that I will see a lot more of them.

Monday, November 5, 2007

WEB 2.0

Remember the world before 2.0 sites like myspace and you tube? Its weird to think about, isn't it? I think that web 2.0 is a great thing that helps us stay connected by not only social networking sites like facebook and myspace, but also by picture sharing site and video sharing sites. Just when we all thought we were so technologically advanced with e-mail, along comes an even better way to stay connected and meet new people with similar interests or even networking for jobs and friendships.
I have never had a myspace account but I'm moving to the south in jauary and I don't know anyone there. Myspace would be a great way to possibly meet some people before I get down there. The only drawback to these sites is that it still is the internet and not everybody is honest. But, I guess it's the same in the "real" world too.