Monday, November 5, 2007

WEB 2.0

Remember the world before 2.0 sites like myspace and you tube? Its weird to think about, isn't it? I think that web 2.0 is a great thing that helps us stay connected by not only social networking sites like facebook and myspace, but also by picture sharing site and video sharing sites. Just when we all thought we were so technologically advanced with e-mail, along comes an even better way to stay connected and meet new people with similar interests or even networking for jobs and friendships.
I have never had a myspace account but I'm moving to the south in jauary and I don't know anyone there. Myspace would be a great way to possibly meet some people before I get down there. The only drawback to these sites is that it still is the internet and not everybody is honest. But, I guess it's the same in the "real" world too.

1 comment:

Jennifer DeJonghe said...

A site like myspace might also help you keep in touch with friends back in Minnesota. You can post pictures of how warm and sunny it is there and make people here jealous!