Monday, October 29, 2007

Mr. Winter is right around the corner...although it's 50 degrees outside, it feels frigid already! Ick! It only makes me want to move even sooner.Chicago was so much fun last weekend! I just got back today and although it's always nice to be home, it's hard to get back into the swing of my busy schedule. My birthday party is this saturday and my sister & her husband are also coming this weekend to celebrate their 1 year anniversary* (they were married last october in mpls.) Another busy week, I also work tomorrow night, thursday night and friday night. I have a work meeting on saturday afternoon too...geez! October always seems so crazy...just in time for the hustle and bustle of the holidays coming up*The shopping in Chicago was pretty good! They have a Michael Kors store...oh my goodness!! I was in heaven* (he's my favorite designer) My credit card won't be used for a couple months though...oh well. It was worth it**

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